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General Surgery
Curriculum Outline
A list of topics to be covered in a five-year general surgery residency program. Topics are listed for all six competencies of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME): patient care; medical knowledge; professionalism; interpersonal and communication skills; practice-based learning and improvement; and systems-based practice. The outline is updated annually.

2024-2025 TWIS Schedule
A sequence of general surgery topics over a 2.5 year cycle. Each week features a topic, related modules and resources, and a 10-question quiz. Weekly TWIS topics can be adjusted based on individual program schedules.

Complex General Surgical Oncology
Curriculum Outline
A list of topics to be covered in a 24-month surgical oncology training program.


2024-2025 TWIS Schedule
The schedule has been updated as of August 8th, 2024 in an effort to realign some of the CGSO content. Both the revised and former schedule are available. Please contact with any questions. The CGSO sequence of surgical oncology topics over a two-year cycle. Each week features a topic, related modules and resources. Weekly TWIS topics can be adjusted based on individual program schedules.

Endocrine Surgery
Curriculum Outline
A list of topics to be covered in a 12-month endocrine surgery fellowship program.


2024-2025 TWIS Schedule
A sequence of endocrine surgery topics to be covered in a one-year cycle. Each week features a topic and related modules.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Curriculum Outline
A list of patient care topics to be covered in an oral and maxillofacial surgery residency training program. Topics include medical assessment and management of the surgical patient, anesthesia and pain control, dentoalveolar, craniomaxillofacial trauma, orthognathic/cleft/OSA, cosmetic facial surgery, temporomandibular disorders/facial pain, head and neck pathology, head and neck reconstruction, and oral and craniofacial implants.

2024-2025 TWIS Schedule
A sequence of OMS topics over a two-year cycle. Each week features a topic and related modules. Weekly TWIS topics can be adjusted based on individual program schedules.

Pediatric Surgery
Curriculum Outline
A list of patient care topics to be covered in a two-year pediatric surgery training program.

Surgical Critical Care
Curriculum Outline
A list of patient care topics to be covered in a one-year surgical critical care training program.

TWIS Schedule
A sequence of SCC topics over a one-year cycle. Each week features a topic and related modules. Weekly TWIS topics can be adjusted based on individual program schedules.         

Vascular Surgery
Curriculum Outline
A list of patient care topics to be covered in a five-year integrated or two-year independent vascular surgery training program.

2024-2025 Vascular Fellowship TWIS Schedule
A sequence of suggested topics over a two-year cycle where the VSCORE modules repeat yearly and the SCORE core general surgery modules repeat every other year. This sequence is meant to give fellows exposure to all VSCORE modules twice during their fellowship. Each week features a new topic and a set of related modules, providing a systematic way for users to cover the Vascular Surgery-Fellowship Level content.

2024-2025 Vascular Integrated TWIS Schedule
A sequence of suggested topics over a two-year cycle where both the VSCORE and the SCORE core general surgery modules repeat every other year. This sequence is meant to be a less onerous time commitment for integrated residents, giving them exposure to all VSCORE modules two to three times during their residency. Each week features a new topic and a set of related modules, providing a systematic way for users to cover the Vascular Surgery-Fellowship Level content.

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